Xu Qianyi(徐谦逸)
Final Year Electrical and Electronic Engineering Student @ Nanyang Technological Univeristy
About Me
Hello! I'm Xu Qianyi. I am a final year student at Nanyang Technological University with a major in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. I am broadly interested in machine learning, computer vision, espeicially their application in healthcare. I believe interests should be found during hands-on practices, therefore, throughout my undergraduate study, I explored different fields of research including continual learning, image segmentation, time series data analysis, and reinforcement learning.
I value research intrinsically and want to develop algorithms that can be applied to the real world.
Dean's List: 2020-2021
NTU Science and Engineering Undergraduate Scholarship (former SM2 Scholar)

Continual Learning / Latent Replay / Privacy Preservation
POnCIL: Privacy Preserving Online Class-incremental Learning
Xu, Q., Wong, C., and Ramasamy, S.2023 ICASSP.
In preparation. Codes and manuscript will be posted after submission.
Single Cell Segmentation / Domain Adaptation / Image Transfer
Cytoderm Behavior Enhancement in Single-Cell Segmentation
Fan, Z., Xu, Q., Tang, Z., Wang, W., Hyatt, T., Zhang, Y., Xing, J., and Xu, M. Bioinformatics.
In preparation. Codes and manuscript will be posted after submission.